Vowels: Short Sounds a e i o u

Each vowel has a short sound and long sound. We learn the short sounds first.

Each vowel has its own video and practice sheet you can print. At the end are extra practice sheets.

You can print them one at a time, or all at once — eg. “printables part 1” has all of part 1 pages.


a ant

This is the short sound of the vowel /a/

Watch the video, do the practice sheet, then draw the letter in the air or in the mud, saying the letter-sound and the key word “ant” as you draw it. The more parts of your body you use as you draw and say the letter, the better you will remember it.

e egg

This is the short sound of the vowel /e/

Watch the video then do the practice sheet.

Try drawing the letter with your foot as you say the sound.

i in

This is the short sound of the vowel /i/

Watch the video then do the practice sheet.

o on

This is the short sound of the vowel /o/

Watch the video then do the practice sheet.

u up

The is the short sound of the vowel /u/

Watch the video then do the practice sheet.